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How To Make Ofada Rice Recipe - Quick And Easy


How To Make Ofada Rice Recipe

How To Make Ofada Rice Recipe - Quick And Easy

If you want to learn How To Make Ofada Rice Recipes, then you've come to the right place. This traditional Nigerian dish is made with brown rice and is usually served with stew. It's a simple dish to make and only requires a few ingredients. To make Ofada Rice, start by cooking the rice in a pot according to package instructions. Once the rice is cooked, stir in some palm oil and chopped onions. Then, add your desired amount of stew and serve. That's it! Enjoy your homemade ofada rice with a delicious Nigerian stew.

What is Ofada Rice?

Ofada Rice Recipes is a variety of brown rice that is native to Nigeria. It has a nutty flavor and a slightly chewy texture. Ofada rice is typically cooked with vegetables and meats, and it is often served as a side dish.

The history of Ofada Rice

Ofada rice is a traditional Nigerian rice dish that is usually cooked with palm oil. It is named after the Ofada town in Ogun state, Nigeria, where it originates from.

The dish is usually served with stew or beans, and it is a popular choice for parties and special occasions.

Ofada rice has a unique flavor and aroma that is unlike any other type of rice. If you are looking for a new and exciting rice dish to try, Ofada rice is definitely worth trying!

Ofada Rice recipe


  • 1 cup of Ofada rice
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 tablespoon of palm oil or vegetable oil


  1. Rinse the Ofada rice in a fine mesh strainer.
  2. In a medium saucepan, bring the water to a boil and add the salt.
  3. Add the rinsed Ofada rice and stir to combine.
  4. Cover the saucepan with a lid and reduce the heat to low. Simmer for 20 minutes, or until the water is absorbed and the rice is cooked through.

Benefits of Ofada Rice Recipes

When it comes to Nigerian cuisine, Ofada Rice Recipes is a popular staple. This native dish is usually made with brown or red beans and can be served as a side dish or main course. If you're looking for a delicious and healthy Ofada rice recipe, read on!

Ofada rice is packed with nutrients. Brown and red beans are both excellent sources of protein, fiber, and vitamins. This combination makes Ofada rice a filling and satisfying meal.

In addition to being nutritious, Ofada rice is also very flavorful. The native spices used in this dish give it a unique taste that you won't find in other rice recipes.

If you're looking for a quick and easy Ofada rice recipe, look no further! This dish can be made in under an hour, making it perfect for busy weeknights.

So what are you waiting for? Give Ofada rice a try today! You won't be disappointed.

How to cook Ofada Rice

Ofada rice is a type of Nigerian rice that is usually grown in the Ofada region. It is a very popular type of rice in Nigeria and is often used for special occasions.

To cook Ofada rice, you will need:

  • 1 cup of Ofada rice
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil

To begin, rinse the Ofada rice in a fine mesh strainer to remove any dirt or debris. Then, add the rinsed rice to a medium saucepan along with the water and salt. Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes. Once the 20 minutes are up, turn off the heat and let the rice sit for 5 minutes to absorb any remaining water. Finally, fluff the rice with a fork and stir in the vegetable oil. Serve immediately.

Tips for making the perfect Ofada Rice

1. Start with good quality rice: Ofada Rice Recipes is short-grain rice, so look for a variety that is marked as such. Avoid long grain or basmati rice, as they will not cook up the same.

2. Rinse the rice thoroughly: This will help to remove any dirt or impurities and also help the rice to cook up more evenly.

3. Soak the rice before cooking: This step is optional, but soaking the rice will help it to absorb more water and cook up more evenly. Simply place the rice in a bowl and cover it with water. Let it soak for at least 30 minutes before cooking.

4. Cook the rice in simmering water: Bring a pot of water to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and add the rinsed and soaked rice. Simmer until the rice is tender and cooked through, about 15-20 minutes.

5. Season the cooked rice: Once the rice is cooked, stir in your desired seasonings. Ofada rice is traditionally seasoned with palm oil, but you can also use olive oil or vegetable oil. Add salt to taste and stir in any other seasonings you like such as onion, garlic, or chili pepper


If you want to learn how to make ofada rice, then you've come to the right place. This traditional Nigerian dish is made with a variety of spices and ingredients, and it's really easy to make. In fact, once you know how, you'll be able to make it in just a few minutes.

Here's what you'll need:

  • 1 cup of uncooked white rice
  • 2 tablespoons of palm oil
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 green bell pepper, chopped
  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon of ground ginger
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon of chili powder
  • 2 cups of chicken broth
  • Salt and black pepper to taste

To begin, simply cook the rice according to the package directions. While the rice is cooking, heat the palm oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the onion, bell pepper, garlic, ginger, cumin, and chili powder. Cook for about 5 minutes until the vegetables are soft. Stir in the chicken broth and bring to a boil. Season with salt and black pepper as desired. Add the cooked rice and stir to combine everything. Serve hot with your favorite toppings (such as grilled chicken or shrimp). Enjoy!


Ofada Rice is a staple in many cultures and cuisines around the world. It's a versatile grain that can be used in a variety of dishes, from savory to sweet. Ofada rice is a type of rice that originates from Nigeria. It's a short-grain rice that has a nutty flavor and firm texture.

If you're looking to add some variety to your rice repertoire, Ofada rice is a great option. This recipe will show you how to cook Ofada rice so that it's flavorful and perfectly cooked. Once you try it, you'll be hooked on this delicious Nigerian dish!


How do you make Nigerian Ofada rice?

There are many ways to make Nigerian Ofada rice, but here is a basic recipe to get you started.


  • 1 cup of rice
  • 1/2 cup of red palm oil
  • 1/4 cup of chopped onions
  • 1/4 cup of diced tomatoes
  • 1/4 cup of crayfish powder
  • 2 tablespoons of dried chili pepper flakes
  • Salt to taste


1. Wash the rice in plenty of water until the water runs clear. This helps to remove any excess starch from the rice.

2. In a pot or saucepan, heat the palm oil over medium heat until it begins to simmer. Add the onions and cook until softened, stirring occasionally.

3. Add the diced tomatoes and cook for another few minutes until they begin to break down. 4. Stir in the crayfish powder and chili pepper flakes, then add salt to taste. 5. Add the washed rice to the pot and stir everything together well so that all of the grains are coated in the mixture. 6. Add enough water to cover the rice by about an inch (2.5 cm). Bring everything to a boil, then reduce the heat and cover the pot with a lid. 7. Cook for 20-25 minutes, or until the rice is tender and cooked through. 8. Once done, fluff with a fork and serve hot with your favorite stew or sauce on top!

How long does Ofada rice take to cook?

Ofada rice is a type of Nigerian rice that is known for its nutty flavor. It is usually grown in the Ofada region of Nigeria. Ofada rice takes a bit longer to cook than other types of rice, but the end result is worth the wait! Here is a step-by-step guide on how to cook Ofada rice:

1. Rinse the rice in cold water several times to remove any dirt or impurities.

2. In a pot, bring 2 cups of water to a boil.

3. Add 1 cup of Ofada rice and stir well.

4. Cover the pot with a lid and reduce the heat to low.

5. Cook for about 30 minutes, or until the water has been absorbed and the rice is cooked through.

6. Remove from heat and let sit for 5 minutes before fluffing with a fork and serving.

Is Ofada rice good for weight loss?

If you are looking to cut down on calories, Ofada rice is a good option. One cup of this type of rice contains only about 150 calories. That makes it a good choice for those trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. In addition, Ofada rice is low in fat and cholesterol-free.

Is Ofada rice good for diabetics?

If you have diabetes, you may be wondering if Ofada rice is a good choice for you. This type of rice has a lower glycemic index than other types of rice, so it may help to control your blood sugar levels. Additionally, Ofada rice is a good source of fiber and protein, both of which are important for people with diabetes.

How do you get rid of the smell of Ofada rice?

If you've ever cooked Ofada rice, then you know that it has a very distinct smell. Some people love this smell, while others find it to be incredibly unpleasant. If you fall into the latter category, don't worry – there are a few things you can do to get rid of the Ofada rice smell.

One simple way to reduce the Ofada rice smell is to cook it with other ingredients that have strong smells of their own. For example, try cooking Ofada rice with onions, garlic, or ginger. These ingredients will help to mask the smell of the Ofada rice and make it more tolerable.

Another way to get rid of the Ofada rice smell is to soak the rice in water for a few hours before cooking it. This will help to remove some of the smelly compounds from the rice and make it less potent. Just be sure to drain and rinse the rice thoroughly before cooking it.

Finally, if you just can't stand the smell of Ofada rice, you can try cooking it in a pressure cooker. This method will release much of the smelly gas from the rice and make it more palatable. Just be sure to follow the instructions on your pressure cooker carefully so that you don't end up overcooking the rice.


If you're looking for delicious and healthy Ofada Rice Recipes, look no further than Ofada Rice. This Nigerian staple is packed with nutrients and flavor, making it a perfect addition to any meal. And best of all, it's easy to make! Just follow our simple Ofada Rice Recipes and you'll enjoy a delicious bowl of Ofada Rice in no time.

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